Wednesday, April 19, 2017

My sister, my hero, my best friend forever. Heartbroken doesn't begin to describe this feeling. Kelly died in her sleep last night just after midnight. She has suffered for so long and is finally at peace. She was surrounded by Tim and all of us, her immediate family. Today is day 6 of the Divine Mercy novena. The intention for today is for meek and humble souls and could not be a more perfect description of Kelly:

"Today bring to Me THE MEEK AND HUMBLE SOULS AND THE SOULS OF LITTLE CHILDREN, and immerse them in My mercy. These souls most closely resemble My Heart. They strengthened Me during My bitter agony. I saw them as earthly Angels, who will keep vigil at My altars. I pour out upon them whole torrents of grace. Only the humble soul is capable of receiving My grace. I favor humble souls with My confidence."

This Sunday is Divine Mercy Sunday and as Fr. Robbie reminded us on Monday, Kelly so loved Divine Mercy Sunday (always the Sunday after Easter) and this time of year. Kelly and Tim were married on Divine Mercy weekend 2 years ago. She has been praying this annual novena for years, it's such a fitting time for her to be born into everlasting life.

We have had so many signs and miracles from Heaven in the past year and especially in the days and weeks leading up to today. In the past two days, we have had 3 priests, Fr Robbie, Fr David and Fr Richard, and the chaplain from Caris, Garrett, visit Kelly. She received Anointing of the Sick and Communion hours before she died and we have zero doubt she is in Heaven. Mom has been reading The Story of a Soul, St Therese's book, to Kelly over the past few months. St Therese talks of her "Little way" in striving for sainthood throughout her life. She says in the end of her book that she will live out her days in Heaven bringing souls to God and will shower flowers on earth, particularly roses to let you know of her presence. Yesterday morning, mom finished the book and throughout the day Kelly received the most beautiful delivery of garden roses and a prayer shawl from Garrett, the Caris chaplain, covered in roses. This is just one example of the many reassurances we've received that Kelly would be celebrating in Heaven soon. 

She wasn't a bit worried about dying, she knew she was going home to be with her Heavenly Father. The only thing she worried about was leaving us behind, always thinking of others. Kelly was the kindest most thoughtful person I've ever met. She always had a smile on her face. She couldn't stand for anyone to be upset with her and would do everything within her power to make a situation right; always the mediator among friends and family. She loved fiercely and completely. It is a privilege to call her my sister.

In the last 5 weeks of her life on hospice care, she had the most wonderful nurse and nurse aid, Leigh and Dineshia, who have become family. We could not have asked for a better hospice team in Caris. They took care of her and all of us and truly loved Kelly like family. Alice took this semester off school, and I was able to take a leave of absence from work, so our whole family was able to be together for her final days. The memories we've shared over the past 5 weeks I will cherish forever. In the 28 1/2 short years Kelly lived in this world she touched countless lives. Her witness and devotion to God and family will be her legacy.

In the weeks preceding her death, three separate people shared a common dream of Kelly surrounded by babies in Heaven. One relayed that in her dream, Kelly was presented to Jesus on His thrown. Jesus then began presenting her with babies and little children. She shared that Jesus was calling her home to be the mother of all the 'unwanted' children in Heaven. Something she so desperately wanted in life was to be a mother. When Kelly heard about these dreams, her immediate response to mom was, "Isn't that the most beautiful thing you've ever heard? Think of all the grandchildren you're going to have."

Sweet Kelly, I know you're dancing with Jesus and the angels, but I selfishly miss you so much and want to keep you here. I'm so thankful you aren't suffering any longer. I can't imagine how we will make it through life without you, except to remember we will be reunited with you again one day. Until then, I love you so much dear sissy and miss you every second.

"I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith." - 2 Timothy 4:7

"Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him." - James 1:12

'I can't believe that you're really gone now
Seems like it's all just a dream
How can it be that the world will go on
When something has died within me?

Leaves will turn, my heart will burn with colors of you
Snow will fall but I'll recall your warmth
Summer wind breathing in your memory
I'll miss you

But there will be a time when I'll see your face
And I'll hear your voice and there we will laugh again
And there will come a day when I'll hold you close
No more tears to cry 'cause we'll have forever
But I'll say goodbye for now

I can't imagine my life without you
You've held a place all your own
Just knowing you were beneath the same sky
Oh, what a joy I have known

On rainy days, in many ways, you'll water my heart
On starry nights I'll glimpse the light of your smile
Never far from my heart you'll stay with me
So I'll wait

'Cause there will be a time when I'll see your face
And I'll hear your voice and there we will laugh again
And there will come a day when I'll hold you close
No more tears to cry 'cause we'll have forever
But I'll say goodbye for now

But there will be a time when I'll see that face
And I'll hear your voice and there we will laugh again
And there will come a day when I'll hold you close
No more tears to cry 'cause we'll have forever
But I'll say goodbye for now
But I'll say goodbye for now
- Kathy Troccoli, "Goodbye for now"

Roses and rose prayer shawl Kelly received yesterday

Fr David gave Kelly the Easter candle from last year, the Year of Mercy


  1. Beautiful tribute to Kelly. I did not know her but I have thought about her so much and followed this journey. My thoughts and prayers go out to you all. May she Rest In Peace.

  2. Nelson family we are so very sorry....sending our love and prayers to you all. What a beautiful special daughter, sister, wife, and friend you will always have in Kelly. God Bless.

  3. Leah Moore is my daughter and a friend of the Family. I did not know Kelly personally but thru Leah and Kyle I know she was sweet, kind and she was very beautiful. My prayers are with your family during these difficult times. But heaven gained another beautiful angel and she will watch over her family. No more suffering. Rest In Peace sweet Kelly. God bless you all.

  4. Such a beautiful tribute to Kelly, Taylor. Praying for all of you. . . We know Kelly is with Jesus but her wonderful spirit will always be with you!

  5. Prayers for all if you. Beautiful tribute. So good to know that Kelly is with God and that God is here holding each of you during this time. Pray for peace.

  6. Wow, what a beautiful tribute. I have been following your post, and this is heart breaking. I will be praying for your family during this difficult time.

  7. We are so sorry for your loss, all of the Nelson children were always so sweet.

  8. I had the privilege of meeting Tim and his father a few months ago. The light of the Lord shined bright in them even while enduring through such a heartbreaking time during Kelly's sickness. I know Kelly must have been a jewel, a prized treasure in the family and in the sight of God.

  9. I know you will see many roses from Kelly throughout your life. Thank you for sharing this beautiful tribute to her. Praying for comfort for you all.

  10. So many thoughts and prayers with your family. I only met Kelly a handful of times at UD, but remember thinking that there was so much sunshine in her smile. I lost my brother, who is just a couple months older than Kelly, about a year ago. My heart is truly with you and your family through this time!

  11. I have no words, except that I am so very sorry for your loss. I worked for your dad at Touchstone when Kelly was born and have watched all of you grow up into amazing women (and men - not to forget Patrick!) My prayers have been with you daily and will continue to be. I'm so happy that Kelly isn't suffering any more, but know the cavernous loss you all feel must be overwhelming. May God hold you close in the days and weeks to come!

    "I'll lend you for a while a child of mine," He said.
    "For you to love the while she lives and mourn for when she's dead.
    It may be six or seven years, or twenty-two or three,
    But will you, till I call her back, take care of her for me?
    She'll bring her charms to gladden you, and should her stay be brief,
    You'll have her lovely memories as solace for your grief."

    "I cannot promise she will stay; since all from earth return,
    But there are lessons taught down there I want this child to learn.
    I've looked the wide world over in My search for teachers true
    And from the throngs that crowd life's lanes I have chosen you.
    Now will you give her all your love, not think the labor vain,
    Nor hate Me when I come to call to take her back again?"

    "I fancied that I heard them say, "Dear Lord, Thy will be done!
    For all the joy Thy child shall bring, the risk of grief we run.
    We'll shelter her with tenderness, we'll love her while we may,
    And for the happiness we've known, forever grateful stay;
    But should the angels call for her much sooner than we've planned,
    We'll brave the bitter grief that comes and try to understand!"
    By Edgar Guest

    Hugs, prayers and much love to all of you! Debbie Dunaway

  12. I am so so sorry, Taylor. You and your family will remain in our prayers.

  13. Taylor - thank you for sharing your heart. Kelly and your whole family has touched so many by the way you have faced such a difficult road. May God continue to Grant you Peace and the assurance of her complete healing. Much love...

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. A beautiful tribute to a precious girl...
    Thank you for sharing your heart with all of us.
    Loving you & yours... 💗

  16. She has touched so many lives, just by your post.I pray for your family.We are the ones who suffer,those left behind, she is free.

  17. A beautiful life and tribute. Overcome with love joy and sorry for your family.
    Our hearts and prayers are your Taylor and Nelsons.
    Kyle & Michele

  18. There is no doubt that you will see your beloved again! May the peace that surpasses all understanding be with all of you.

  19. I am heart broken for the family and friends. such a beautiful young lady gone way too young. Praying for the whole family.

  20. So so many will miss her beautiful smile and graciousness. She truly was an angel on Earth. We love you all
    ,Elizabeth,Kevin Jerge

  21. Our hearts are broken with you and your whole family. May you find peace in knowing that sweet Kelly is with our Heavenly Father, where there is no pain, sickness or suffering. We love you all.

  22. Taylor, your beautiful tribute is your faith witness and the beginning of your healing process.
    Thank you for sharing during Kelly's illness so that I and many got to know a sweet and brave soul. I knew your parents when I lived in Jackson but not you children.
    My heart goes out to them, Tim, you and her other siblings.
    Grief is a lonely place the heart goes to heal: your Lord will be with you there.

  23. The Neihoff family sends prayers of comfort and for God's love to shine on your family....As a father of multiple daughters, i know your family is hurting...Your faithful family will go on to do God's work until you see her again in a much better place than here.

  24. My heart breaks for your family, and my tears are flowing from this tribute to such a Beautiful Soul. I cannot imagine the grief you carry Tricia, Ted, Tim and all of you siblings who shared such precious love! My prayers are with you in your deepest sorrows and I rejoice with you in Kelly's healed body! Praise the Lord for His Promise that this is not Goodbye.
    1 Thessalonians 4:13-18
    Betsy Bailey Barnes

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. We are so sorry to hear about your loss. Your words are a beautiful tribute! My husband and I met Kelly briefly in PT school. What a beautiful person, beautiful smile! We have been praying for y'all for several months and will continue to pray for your family. Love, Frank and Claire Jacobs

  27. Thank you for your beautiful remembrance of Kelly, and thank you for sharing her journey. We love you guys and are praying for you. I know Kelly and MaII are rejoicing together.

  28. I can't imagine how hard this post was to write, Taylor, but it's absolutely beautiful! Kelly and your whole family have been in my thoughts and prayers through this whole journey. I pray peace over all of y'all in the coming days, months, years. You have all shown so much grace and faith through this whole fight and are true Godly examples to everyone who knows you.

  29. My heart is broken for all of you. Thanks for allowing us to walk this walk with Kelly and your family. God's love shines through all of you. The closeness of your family warms my heart. Praying for all of you.

  30. Dear Taylor (& Nelson Family),
    I am so deeply sorry for your loss. Your heartfelt words of tender, sweet, love and of faithful Truth in the Lord Jesus, amidst the incomprehensible loss of your beloved sister, Kelly, are so powerful, and will minister to many people in the days ahead- and beyond.

    My mother, Norma Meyer, was your Great Aunt, and your Grandma Alice's older sister. She wrote a beautiful poem in 1974, during a period of tremendous pain in her life, that I'd like to share with you. The simple words have continued to be an encouragement to our family and to many others over the years, and I pray to you and your family as well.


    God has no problems,
    He only has plans.
    My every situation,
    He understands.
    So I claim all His promises,
    As He told me I should,
    Soon my trials become blessings,
    As He promised they would.

    God has no problems,
    He only has plans,
    If we but surrender
    Our life in His hands,
    He allows only that to happen,
    Which He says I can bear,
    For His grace is sufficient,
    When I'm in His care.

    So I thank Him for trials
    And problems I face.
    If I didn't have them,
    I wouldn't know
    The depths of His grace.
    For when I am weak,
    In Him, I become strong.
    I will praise God above,
    To whom all blessings belong.

    written by Norma (Johnson) Meyer

    In Jesus Name,
    Nancy & Keith Oelschlager (Peter&Mandyce, Amy, Laura&Tim, Jordan)
    Woodbury, Minnesota

  31. I am heartbroken that you all ever had to go through any of this. I have read and been updated through your blog Taylor and am most appreciative of the way social media can give us glimpses into such a tender time. I know that you will continue to seek the silver linings in Kelly's illness and death as I did with my sister. That is the only way we can get through such things. I am thinking of you all and praying for peace.

  32. Prayers for Kelly's family. Praise for Kelly to see our Saviour's face.

  33. I am so sorry for your loss. What a wonderful tribute to a faithful child of God. The song is beautiful. I am praying for your family.
    Leigh Smith

  34. I am so sorry. I had the divine opportunity to work with Kelly a few times at the Rainbow Riding Academy where children with many kinds of disabilities had the opportunity to receive hippotherapy. She was so encouraging and uplifting. The children all loved her. She served faithfully there! I remember how she had the most beautiful, kind smile. I am praying for your family. May each of you feel wrapped so tightly in the Lord's arms. "He tends his flock like a shepherd: He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart; he gently leads those that have young." Isaiah 40:11.

  35. I did not know Kelly but I know she had an awesome family! I am so sorry for your loss and I pray for comfort for the family.
    Glenda Tapp Hodge

  36. Matthew 18: 1-5...."Unless you become like little children, you will not enter into the Kingdom of Heaven.....Kelly fulfilled this Scripture in her life.....a Blessing to the many! Kelly taught us much about that the Love of God alone, was worth the fight. Having Kelly in my Spiritual Life has been such a Blessing to me and I am so thankful for it...Kelly will live on in our Hearts....for Love is Eternal.....Blessing for the Nelson Family and Family at St. Mary's and extended Friends and Loved Ones and our journey, now, of Faith lies ahead.

  37. So so sorry to hear this. Kelly was one of our therapists at school and we loved her. We've been praying for her for the past year. Your family has been a true testimony of faith through this.

  38. His grace is sufficient, your story as a family as you walked through the challenges of this journey has been a witness to the power of God and the power of faith. May those torrents of grace continue to pour down, bringing consolation and peace and rest.

  39. I did not know Kelly, but a friend of mine shared this blog who knew her. I read through your tribute to your sister and it brought me to tears. Reading about the vision of her at the heavenly throne of the Lord was just beautiful. Know that she is rejoicing in heaven with our Lord now. I know that the pain of loss is strong, but trust that one day you will see her again. I am so sorry for your loss. You and your family are in my prayers. God bless.

  40. I knew Kelly from UD. She was always such a joyful face. We traveled to an irish pub together during our semester abroad in Rome and we even shared a nickname together. She was Calvin and I was Hobbes. Every bit of my heart believes she's in Heaven now watching over, as this post says, all the unwanted babies. That brings me so much hope for those young souls, to have Kelly as their guardian and mother. She also watches over us too and I felt her presence yesterday in the Eucharist at Mass. My prayers go out to her husband and family members. I lost a brother when I was younger --- just remember, this too shall pass and peace will settle in and heel all your wounds. Jesus, I trust in You! Kelly, ora pro nobis! Rest in peace, dear friend.

  41. As each day passes, may the grief of losing Kelly lessen. Though, I know it will never completely go away. I pray that her memory and the knowledge that she is free from all pain and sadness will bring your family strength and peace. Emily and I are heartbroken for you and your family.

  42. I still remember the first day that I met Kelly at the Montessori Center where her shyness pervaded. By the time she left the school a few years later, she was telling us all jokes and was the sunshine in our classroom. I will always hold her close in my heart as my prayers and thoughts will be with her dear, dear family. Teri Canaday Freeman, her preschool teacher

  43. Praying for all of the Nelson family! Much love sent your way.
    Paul & Maureen Sorce and family

  44. Praying for the entire family. What a lovely tribute!

  45. Taylor, thank you so much for sharing. You and your family will be in my prayers. May God's love pour through you all!

  46. As each day passes, may the grief of losing Kelly lessen. Though, I know it will never completely go away. I pray that her memory and the knowledge that she is free from all pain and sadness will bring your family strength and peace. Emily and I are heartbroken for you and your family.

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