Wednesday, October 5, 2016

     Kelly's scans came back clean again! She had a PET/CAT scan around 7:30 this morning in Nashville. Her CA125 is still higher than we would like (at 40). Her doctor believes this is potentially due to inflammation from her port and lingering chemo. We pray it will continue to decrease. He will continue to check her CA125 level until it is well below 35 (normal level) and then go to every 3 months. She will continue to get a PET/CAT scan every 3 months for now and then go to every 6 months if the scans continue to come back clear. 

    Later this month mom and Kelly will head to south Florida to the Hippocrates Health Institute for 3 weeks. There they will focus on clean eating, exercising, healing, detoxing and calming techniques (which will mainly build on the good eating/lifestyle habits they already have begun). They will only eat raw vegan foods and have a program specifically for cancer patients. 

     We ask you to continue praying without ceasing. Although she is in clinical remission and we are so very grateful, we can't take this news for granted. For now we celebrate her continued miracle and pray that the cancer will stay far far away and never return. As Dr. NumNum advised this morning 'enjoy every day as a gift from God.' We would all do well to take this advice. 🙏🏼 

Alice's visit home last weekend :)

After the Michael W. Smith concert we attended on Sept. 29th. And Kelly in one of her adorable hats!