Monday, August 22, 2016

     Kelly's blood work has gone up considerably from last week and she will begin her final IP chemo round tomorrow morning (August 23rd) around 8am. This round will include chemo tomorrow, Wednesday and then next Tuesday or Wednesday. Please pray that this final round will eradicate the remaining microscopic cancer cells. 
     She was in so much pain last week that her doctor decided to do a CT scan to make sure her port wasn't infected and/or there wasn't any pooling chemo that needed to be drained. They found neither which is good. Her port tubing is causing inflammation, which is causing the pain. As you can imagine, she is so ready for this last round to be completed! After this final round, once her blood work is back to normal, they will be able to remove her intraperitoneal (IP) port, which is the one causing so much pain. They will keep her chest port in place for 2 years following treatment. 
     Her CA125 (cancer marker) has continued to decrease and is now at 56! We are so thankful for this news! Her starting marker was 8000, so this is truly incredible and without a doubt a miracle. That is a 99.3% drop to date! For reference, a normal range for CA125 is less than 35. 
     Thank you for your continued prayers for strength and courage for Kelly to get through these next two weeks and the remaining weeks with her IP port.

'Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.' -Joshua 1:9

Saturday, August 13, 2016

     Kelly completed her second round of IP chemo on Wednesday. She will have one to two weeks off depending on her blood work before her 3rd and final round. It has been a difficult past few weeks for her, as she has been in a lot of pain and very uncomfortable. We are very much looking forward to celebrating the end of her next round! 
     She is feeling much better today than she has in a while and was able to go for a longer walk around the block than normal. Please continue to pray for her strength and ability to finish out this last round of chemo successfully. We pray that this last round may be the final chemo she ever has to have and that even the smallest cancer cells may be permanently rid from her body. 
     Please also pray for Kelly's best friend who lost her mom to cancer this week. She was such an inspiration and also a second mom to Kelly. We know she is rooting for Kelly in Heaven! We love you Joirdan. ❤️

25 'She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future.'
 -Proverbs 31:25

Kelly and Joirdan

After church one Sunday