Update on the last few weeks by Kelly:
Back to our reality these last 2 weeks! My chemo regimen is more intense and more aggressive this time in order to hopefully wipe this thing out for good. Day 1 of chemo (July 12) I received a chemotherapy drug called Taxol via my IV port in my chest. Day 2 (July 13) was Cisplatin via my fancy new IP port mixed with 2 liters of fluids while at the same time receiving 4 liters of fluids via my IV port. Thats a total of 6 liters of fluid (=three 2 liter coke bottles!!!) crammed in my body!! After these 2 days, I was pretty wiped out, uncomfortable, full of fluids, and very nauseous. I took the hibernation approach over the next several days in order to recuperate. By Saturday, the fluids were gone but the nausea stuck around until it was time to get my “Part 3” of this round. Part 3 (July 20) was another IP treatment of Taxol with the simultaneous IV fluids. Thankfully, my body tolerated part 3 better than parts 1 and 2.
This week is my week off and I have huge plans to relax, build up strength, eat, and enjoy my break. Another thing on the schedule this week is an involuntary-ish haircut. My hair has actually grown back quicker - and blonder and thicker - than I thought it would especially during my 2 month chemo-break. As promised by my doctor, the chemo has started to make my hair fall out again. I had good results from my blood work this week which is something we were concerned about since it is what has postponed treatments before. If it continues to stay up, I will have my next two week series on August 3rd, 4th, and 10th.
Thank you so much for all of the prayers. God has been so good to me, and I’m thankful that He is continuing to heal me. Please continue to pray for good blood work results, minimal chemo side effects, and for my fantastic care taker team. I appreciate everything y’all are doing!
Some of the beautifully prepared food from family friends who take such good care of us :)
How I felt after each IP treatment (minus the candy corn and jolly disposition) -Kelly